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It's true. You're crazy.

I'm here today to enforce a thought that is already in your head.  You're crazy.  It's true.  But it's also amazing. I don't know when or where we got it into our heads that we all need to conform to this ridiculous idea of "normalcy," but it is bananas. Your crazy is what makes you unique. It's what makes you awesome.  It's what makes you YOU.  And sadly, most of us hide our crazy for that very reason. Think about it for a moment. When do you feel the most like yourself? The most relaxed and safe and confident in yourself? I'm going to go ahead and make the assumption that you're probably at home. Acting "crazy." My crazy looks a lot like me dancing around the kitchen, singing some stupid song, flailing my spoon around over my head. Completely unconcerned with how I look because the only person to see me is my husband, and he loves me no matter how crazy I am.  Somewhere along the line, though, I stopped caring what people though

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