Dream Big, Act Small

Dream Big Quote

I'm going to make a bold statement here. 

You can be and do anything you want to. 

Read it again. Soak it in. 

One more time. 

Do you have a big dream? We all do, right? But sometimes our dreams seem insurmountable because we look too closely at the whole picture. The end result. And it just seems too hard. 

For instance, right now I have decided I want to be a pilot. I'm thinking airline pilot since I loved my time as a flight attendant and the lifestyle it provided. But getting there is a long and expensive process. There's getting a private pilot's license. Then an instrument rating. Commercial rating. Multi-engine rating. And then there's this monstrous 1500 hours of experience you have to have before they'll even look at you.  

And within each of those steps are more steps. Ground school. Flight instruction. Flight hours. Finding the money to pay for it all. Studying. Testing. Oy.

Forget the fact that the aviation industry is in turmoil right now. Are there going to be jobs? Can I actually do this? Is it worth it? Where am I going to find $100,000 for training? 

It all feels so daunting. Because looking at it like that, it's huge! But if you look at the individual parts, the very next step and only the very next step, it doesn't seem quite so scary. 

I've taken a few steps. I did an online ground school. I got together a little bit of money. I have taken a discovery flight. My next step is to call a flight school and schedule another lesson. 

Becoming a pilot

I have to make a call. 

And that doesn't sound so hard. 

Before I know it, I'll be able to look back and see all the progress I have made. I'll see all the tiny steps I took to get someplace bigger. It'll be years before I'm an airline pilot. But in a few months, I'll be a private pilot. And that's an accomplishment, too. 

Which brings me to another important point. Celebrate your victories. Big ones. Small ones. Tiny ones. Do you feel proud of it? 


We are in such a time of frustration and sadness right now. Now, more than ever, it is important to embrace our joy wherever we can find it.

So what's your big dream? A major goal that seems out of reach? Think about it. Get out a piece of paper and write down all the tiny steps you can take to get you closer to that goal. 

And then do one. 

When that one is done, move on to the next one. 

You are awesome. And more than capable of reaching your goals. You've got this, my beautiful friend! 


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