How to Survive "Those Days"

Today is "one of those days."

You know the ones. Nothing seems to go your way, and everything feels harder than it has to be. It's not so much about big, bad, horrible things (although this day also has one of those), but about the piling up of little things until you just can't handle it all anymore. Maybe you snap. Maybe you have the good sense to burrow into your bed and barricade the door so you don't have to see anyone or deal with anything else. Maybe you're not in a position to do that. Maybe you have to keep plugging forward until the day is done and the people are gone.

When I face one of "those days," I have a simple reminder for myself. And it gets me to the end of the day (and generally without killing anyone).

I am strong enough to get through this. And then I never have to do this day again. 

Tomorrow is a new day. It will come with its own tasks and challenges. Maybe it'll be an even harder day than today. But it's still new. It's still fresh. It is still not THIS awful day. And if it is another hard day, I repeat to myself again:

I am strong enough to get through this. And then I never have to do this day again.

And if I happen to be going through a rough patch of life (which, presently, I am), eventually, I will be able to look back on those collective days and use them to remind myself of what a badass I am. Look at what I survived! And look at how much stronger it made me!

And furthermore, look at all that it taught me. And the better place I am because I went through the things I did. If you choose to be eternally optimistic (which I do), you can even see rough patches and bad days as opportunities. For growth, self discovery, renewal, connection with others. If you allow yourself to just lean into the discomfort and look around for a minute, you'll see the opportunities there. 

Is there someone else going through something similar that you can lean on, turn to or sit and have a bitchfest with?

Is there some behavior you've been indulging that you need to nix in order to break a pattern?

Is there a person or activity or commitment in your life that needs to be removed in order to bring you more peace? Even if it feels like a loss to do so?

Next time you're having "one of those days"...or weeks. Or months...I challenge you to stop and look around. See if there isn't something you can learn from whatever you are going through. And repeat to yourself:

I am strong enough to get through this. And then I never have to do this day again.


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